
October 11, 2024

Tigo Energy Welcomes Anita Chang as Chief Operating Officer

Chang, an experienced operations leader, served as COO at Tigo Energy from 2020 to 2023 and returns to lead global manufacturing operations.
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Tigo Energy Welcomes Anita Chang as Chief Operating Officer

CAMPBELL, Calif, October 11, 2024Tigo Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: TYGO) ("Tigo"), a leading provider of intelligent solar and energy software solutions, welcomes back Anita Chang as Chief Operating Officer (COO). With over twenty-five years of experience in product management, engineering, and global operations, Chang will oversee global manufacturing, supply chain, engineering and quality teams to support the company’s ambitious growth and operational goals.

"Anita’s return comes at an exciting time for Tigo as we continue to scale globally and develop world-class energy solutions," said Zvi Alon, Chairman and CEO at Tigo Energy. "Her previous leadership at Tigo, combined with her extensive experience across the tech and energy sectors, makes her a key asset in driving our operations forward. We are thrilled to welcome her back and confident her expertise will support our next chapter."

Chang previously served as COO at Tigo from 2020 to 2023 and VP of Operations and General Manager China from 2015 to 2020, during which she played a critical role in driving global manufacturing and operational efficiency, contributing to year-over-year sales increases. Her leadership was key in the successful public listing and growth initiatives. She holds an MBA from Fontbonne University and a BS in Electronic Engineering from Taipei City University of Science and Technology. She is also certified in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and completed the Wharton Executive Woman Leadership course.

"I am excited to rejoin Tigo and contribute to its next phase of growth," said Anita Chang. "The progress Tigo has made in solar energy solutions is extraordinary, and I look forward to once again working with the team to enhance our operational efficiency and innovation."

The last few years saw the introduction of several new initiatives led by Tigo in the solar industry - from forwarding its software-centric approach as a company through the launch of EI Professional to expanding its Green Glove Service Program to ensure installers have the proper resources onsite to successfully, safely, and reliably complete installations. These developments, among others, make it a strong time for Chang to return to Tigo and capitalize on her strong track record in scaling operations, new product introductions, and optimizing product delivery, as well as implementing her experience in prior senior roles across the tech and energy sectors.

To learn more about Anita Chang and the rest of the Tigo leadership team, click here.

O společnosti Tigo Energy

Společnost Tigo Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: TYGO) byla založena v roce 2007 a je celosvětovým lídrem ve vývoji a výrobě inteligentních hardwarových a softwarových řešení, která zvyšují bezpečnost, zvyšují energetické výnosy a snižují provozní náklady solárních systémů pro obytné a komerční budovy a pro veřejné využití. Společnost Tigo kombinuje svou technologii Flex MLPE (Module Level Power Electronics) a solární optimalizátor s inteligentními softwarovými funkcemi založenými na cloudu pro pokročilé monitorování a řízení energie. Produkty Tigo MLPE maximalizují výkon, umožňují sledování spotřeby energie v reálném čase a zajišťují rychlé vypnutí na úrovni modulu, které vyžadují předpisy. Společnost rovněž vyvíjí a vyrábí produkty, jako jsou střídače a bateriové úložné systémy pro trh s rezidenčními solárními zařízeními plus úložné systémy. Další informace naleznete na adrese

Kontaktní informace

Technica Communications

Cait Caviness

E-mail: [email protected]


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